Monday, May 23, 2011

Persevering and Ignoring Distractions

The hubs sent me a message last week informing me that he missed my posts.  I was really touched by this, and then immediately started to worry if I communicate better through my blog than in person.

That aside, I want to explain.  We lost our internet for a week. 7. LONG. DAYS.  Including a weekend.  Dan and I fought for the first time since December during these 7 days.  The last time was when we were in a car together for 15 hours returning from vacation with my family to Texas.

To me, this was a sign that I am too dependent on my internet.  Lack of food, water, shelter.  These things would lead to unhappiness and lashing out at the husband.  Not, no internet.  I was ashamed.

So, I have cut down on my usage, meaning no blog.  And, now I’m back.  I tend to believe nothing in excess, everything in moderation.  I include under indulgence as an excess.

With that said, here is what I’ve been up to:
  • I am ALMOST finished with the baby blanket that I’ve been working on for 7 years (5 more rows!)
  • My nephew turned 7 and we had a family skating party.  I was sore for a week.
  • I started going to the gym after work, giving up on being self motivated at home.
  • I have developed the best low carb chocolate chip cookie recipe ever. 

  • I am in the process of converting an old changing table into a bar (which can be converted back if needed).
  • Dan and I booked a vacation to St. Louis for Memorial Day weekend.
  • I signed up for a 6 day work conference in Vermont in July.
  • I bought a new bathing suit.
  • Our Bonnaroo bracelets came in!
  • I’ve started to learn Italian (Che una macchina piccolo.  There is a small car.)
  • I colored my hair for the first time since undergrad.
  • I fell in love with my new coffee machine.
  • I’m trying a new self-motivation technique to help me with work.
My goals for this week are: to run 3 times this week, hit the tanning bed 2-3 times, blog 2 more times, and finish the bar.

Happy Monday!