Friday, September 3, 2010


On Tuesday, Dan met with his oncologist to get the results for the microsatellite test and to decide on whether he should do chemo or not. We didn’t take this decision lightly, and had many discussions about it. Of course, ultimately we hoped the microsatellite test would be positive, so we wouldn’t have to make a choice.

Unfortunately, the test was negative. The good news is this doesn’t change anything. It’s good to know that there is less of a chance for Dan to get more tumors in his colon. The bad part is that Dan has a slightly higher risk for a recurrence with a negative test. He’s still at around 25%, so it doesn’t really change the outcome. Also, chemo is still on the table.

Dan had decided not to do chemo. We did a lot of research into other treatment options, and even looked into additional testing and clinical trials. He feels, and I support him, that he’s healthy, and he doesn’t want the constant reminder of his cancer. He’s ready to move on and start living his life again.

From here on, Dan will see Dr. H every 3 months for blood work, and at one year he will have a CT scan and a colonoscopy. It’s a big relief to have this plan in place and to start moving on from this whole situation. Dan is back to training full time and is currently looking for a part time or flex time job so we can pay these medical bills off. I don’t think things could’ve turned out better for him, and I can’t wait to see how quickly he will make gains training now that he’s 100%. Not to mention, I can’t wait to see him in the cage again.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that pic of him!! It makes me want to jump for joy at HEALTHY DAN!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you guys for making a decision--how incredibly tough. Completely stand behind your decision as well--we support you both completely and are so excited for the NEXT STAGE in your lives! the happy, healthy, cancer FREE stage! :-D
