Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dream Day

If you could plan your perfect day, in detail, for one day, what would it be??

Dan wrote his day out, and shared it with me.  He detailed everything from how he would want to wake up, his perfect breakfast, activities prior to work, leaving for work, his ideal job, dinner, followed by evening plans.  I have to admit, it sounded pretty near perfect for him.  Since then, we have slowly been working towards achieving this perfect day for him.  I mean, isn’t this what life is about?  Being as happy as possible.  Plus, I got to see his vision for our future, so we are working together towards the same goal.

Since then, I’ve spent some time thinking about my perfect day.  It’s very easy for me to say, well, my perfect day would be sleeping in, breakfast in bed, no chores, and spending the day with the dogs and husband on a beach.  But, this is very unrealistic, and so I’ve had to think about what my perfect realistic, achievable day would be.  I’ve really struggled with this, but I think yesterday, got as close as I’ve gotten before.

I woke up around 6:30, ate a quick breakfast, threw on some clothes, and headed to the dentist with Dan.  After getting a cleaning myself, we were back home around 10am, when I showered for the day, made a very yummie egg and toast breakfast with coffee, and headed out the door for work.  I got to work around noon, worked for 5 hrs, being fairly productive all day, before coming home.

Dan took the day off work, so he had dinner ready for me.  I also received some ebay orders (a new dress and new jeans that Dan said makes my butt look 18 years old).  I changed into a tank top, and we headed with the dogs for a nice evening walk to Daisy field.  The dogs got to run while Dan and I got to enjoy some time together in the daylight.  We headed back home for a some dinner, before we headed out to see a movie. 

After a wonderful date with the husband, we still had time to relax at home with the dogs, while Dan sang and played on the guitar for me.  We went to bed around 11:15 after a wonderful day together.

Something about having a productive morning before work, only working until my job is done with no frustrations/problems, having dinner ready when I got home, and quality time with the husband and dogs, left me feeling like I’m returning to work from a vacation.  The fresh from the dentist clean teeth feeling helps too. 

If I could somehow turn yesterday into motivation to get up and run before work, to Dan being home some mid-week evenings, I think I would be a major step closer to my perfect day.

So, what would your perfect every day be?

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